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- Getting the Love You Want (イマゴメソッド)
Getting the Love You Want (イマゴメソッド)
リレーションシップを円滑にし、夫婦円満になるイマゴメソッドを提唱している、ハーベル・ヘンドリックス先生の(Harville Hendrix PhD.) “Getting the Love You Want” という本をご紹介します。
As stated on the website below, “Imago Relationship Therapy was developed by Dr. Harville Hendrix and Dr. Helen LaKelly Hunt in 1980, Imago Relationship Therapy is a form of relationship and couples therapy that focuses on relational counseling to transform any conflict between couples into opportunities for healing and growth.”
I met Satomi in NJ a few months ago. She is Japanese and her husband is American. Her husband works as a therapist, and he figured out that Imago Relationship Therapy is one of the greatest methods to help couples who have relationship issues.
Usually, relationship issues occur when men and women do not have conversations. Imago Relationship Therapy is based on conversation, and just having time to talk with your partner may help to solve many problems. Imago Relationship Therapy teaches you how to talk in a mutually beneficial way to others.
I started reading “Getting the Love You Want”. There is also the workbook to practice Imago Therapy with your partner. You and your partner can practice together. Of course, the best option is for you and your spouse to see an Imago Therapist in your local area. Seeing an Imago Therapist will help almost all couples to achieve a higher level of love and intimacy.
We also recommend for couples who are just dating or thinking about marriage to see an Imago Therapist. You may think that talking about couple therapy before getting married doesn’t make sense. However, reading this book “Getting the Love You Want” may help you to create a better relationship between you and your wife to be. Especially, if you are looking for a Japanese wife, there are cultural differences and language misunderstandings, and many more things to consider than communicating with women in your local area. Therefore, you may learn many great tips to use in your daily conversation with Japanese women.
Imago Methods are still new in Japan, and Satomi would like to introduce these methods to people in Japan. So I would like to support Satomi.
If you have read this book, “Getting the Love You Want” please share what you felt.
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