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Message from B. (Hawaii) after the Meeting with M in Japan

Hawaii B

Aloha Naoko,

My trip to Japan was wonderful. After several dates with M., I realized that we both had the same dreams and goals in life and were also enjoying each other’s company. On our fifth date, I proposed to her that we get married and live in Hawaii ; to my delight, she accepted and I presented M. with a diamond necklace to show my serious intent on our engagement for marriage. We spent the rest of my time in Tokyo together. In all, I was with M. for nine out of my fourteen days in Japan .

Now that we agreed to marry, it is a question of filling out the proper paper work to legally have M. live in Hawaii with me. I would appreciate your input and help in properly navigating this process – I am sure you have seen others through the same process.

I appreciate any information that you can impart to me or a direction I can take in order to make this process go as smooth as possible.

B. ( Hawaii )

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